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100% Genuine Feedback

Just a quick note of appreciation. I'm using your software for a student I teach who has many learning difficulties, but he is thrilled (and motivated) to be working with your software. Please continue the excellent work, and best of luck going forward.
Ed, Canada.

We are a homeschool family and we have been using your site for nearly 10 months now...we think you're great!

Keep up the fantastic work you do!
Warmest Regards
Sarah, New Zealand

I have been using your programs for years now and am really glad for a chance to say how FAB they are. They are better than any other I've found for educational purposes and a fraction of the price. All the kids who have used them at my school LOVE them and I think you are a very very clever man!!
Trisha , UK

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In a perfect world I would have a website free of all advertising and for a long time I did. The sad fact of life is, however, that in order to maintain a website with thousands of visitors every day, it costs money. I used to be able to cover all the costs from my own pocket and still do to a certain extent but now advertising and registration helps towards the running costs of our non profit charity.

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Thank you for visiting Grey Olltwit's Software

Simon Hensby - aka Grey Olltwit

Grey Olltwit Educational Software, London, England - Tel: +44 (0)560 156 4223 or mobile +44 (0)759 169 4234
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free educational software DVD

100% Genuine Feedback

Thanks for the TERRIFIC software at a great price!
Suzanne, USA

I've been a happy Olltwit user for years - I downloaded several of your programs back in '04, for my older son to use. Now it's time for my younger son to use them, and I've come back to your site to find 1) I owe you, and 2) you have more great stuff. I'm happy to pay up because I know the quality of your programs.
Mary Beth, Indiana, USA

We got your DVD and its fab!

Many thanks
Lorrane, Scotland

Thank you for creating these programs.

I have ADHD like your son, Richard, and got really much help from your great educational programs.
Paal, Norway

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